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“Sendekai” 3 pulse film

Released:2024-08-24 Author:Qingzhou Zerui Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. Views:61

This film has a superior performance on the cooling effect, this film used special material which could absorb the sunlight energy and stored, then it could release the heat according the temperature changing, if the temperature outside is high, then it could reduce the temperature inside the greenhouse, the higher temperature outside the 

greenhouse the big temperature difference compared with inside. We have the datas that shows the temperature difference could reach 1-10°C compared with common films.

This kind of film is suitable for the area with strong sunlight, especially the tropics, or the plants which prefer the shadow environment.

Key features:

This film has a super cooling effect which is highly recommended for the regions with high tempera￾ture or arid region, it also could reduce the water evaporation and save water.